The Photographer
Some people know me as a psychotherapist working in private practice in New York. But I have always also been a photographer.
All my life I’ve had a camera attached to my hip!
It’s been a part of me for over 50 years. When my father bought one camera for the family (back in the 70’s), I was the only one who really took an interest in photography I taught myself how to take photos, using a film-loading camera. Hands on, shoot and develop! Over and over again!
All the time, growing up, I’d have my camera with me - at family events, travels, hanging out with friends, etc. I seemed to naturally be able to ease people’s phobias about having their photos taken. I realized early in my life, that I had an innate ability to connect with others. People simply seemed comfortable talking to me.
The photos I took of people Showed a rare kind of intimacy.
They seemed to reveal people’s truest essence. Practice, practice, practice to gain more confidence, understanding and growth in my craft. Film development and processing was expensive. I regularly worked long hours on the family farm where I grew up (in rural South Australia) to pay for my creative outlet. I’d pay for film, I’d photograph and then work extra hours on the farm to pay for film development. This cycle continued for many years.
In the early 1980’s…
I traveled to the UK and Europe - and had an incredible time capturing my travel experiences, people and places.
In the 1980’s…
I graduated Photographic College in London. I completed a BA in Art & Design, majoring in Photography. I was awarded the Kodak Award for Photography.
In 2005…
I made the transition to digital photography. No more dark room experiences in processing film. Instead, my image editing was on my computer. More practice, practice, practice - again and again.
I have 3 Instagram Accounts…
I am grateful to my loyal and engaged audiences in each account.
In 2010…
I started my first Instagram Account, @susielang My “Out and About” Photographic Journal - It is where I am at any given time.
In 2017…
I started my Account. I started this page because of my anxiety of becoming invisible as I aged. It continues to bring light and awareness to the community at large about older women who are often underserved, under-represented and not seen.
In 2019…
I started my @populationportraits Account because I love to photograph people across the board - age, diversity and genders.
I love connecting with people.
I love taking photographs - both are my passions. I come alive during a session. It is truly my ART OF CONNECTION.
As I capture moments in time I am left with a sense of creative fulfillment - the connections, the photographs, simple in their own beauty tell your story.
Check out my packages here - and my travel schedule here.
Got questions? I’m here to answer them - by email or phone! Contact me here!